Employment LawGeneral News

Cleaning Up with Fair Pay: New ERO Boosts Wages for Contract Cleaners

By May 24, 2024 No Comments
Contract Cleaners

The Employment Regulation Order (ERO) for the contract cleaning industry in Ireland has recently been updated, bringing a notable increase in the minimum wage for Contract Cleaners in this sector. From 1 June 2024, all employees aged 18 and over in the contract cleaning industry will be entitled to a minimum hourly wage of €13.30. This is an increase from the current rate of €12.70 per hour, aligning the sector’s pay with evolving economic conditions and cost of living.

The new ERO maintains other terms and conditions set in previous orders, ensuring that benefits like sick pay, annual leave, and other statutory entitlements remain in place for Contract Cleaners. The Joint Labour Committee (JLC) for the contract cleaning industry, alongside the Labour Court, played a crucial role in negotiating and agreeing upon these new rates, showcasing the effective collaboration between employers and employee representatives within Ireland’s industrial relations framework.

This adjustment is part of a series of incremental increases: from €11.50 per hour in April 2022 to €11.90 in April 2023, and €12.30 set for April 2024 prior to this latest update.

The aim is to provide fair compensation and improve working conditions for cleaning industry workers, reflecting the vital role they play in maintaining hygiene and safety across various workplaces


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